Warm up : 10mins on treadmill, speed 8.5
Routine 1
Routine 1
Assisted pull-up - carrying 33kg of total BW
Cable lat pull-down - 19kg, 22.5kg
Seated back row - 6kg, 9.5kg
Cable back flyes - 5kg, 7.5kg
DB side lateral raise - 3kg, 4kg
*all 15 reps x 2sets
Routine 2
OB squat - 30kg, 32.5kg
BW push-up
BW V-up
*all 15 reps x 2 sets
Routine 3
OB deadlift - 30kg, 10 reps x 2 sets
Negative pull-up, holding pull-up position and slowly lower down body to original standing position - 6reps x 2 sets (man, am I heavy!)
Routine 4
OB bench press - 15 reps x 2 sets
DB push up renegade row - 4kg, 10 reps x 2 sets
Testing on my pull-up after resting
Results : still the same status. Only my forehead reaches the bar. Damn!
I always remember my very first trainer advised me when he was about to relocate to other branch. I was worried how the heck I was gonna train myself since I was such a beginner that time, way back 3 years ago.
He said this : Try to target at least 10 types of exercises in within an hour.
So I have been holding into that principles ever since. But I had difficulty achieving 10 types of workouts within an hour. Mostly 8.
Then I found another way to achieve 10 workouts within 60mins, or better yet, 45mins.
It's called SUPERSETS.
That is what I have been doing till now, if you notice my routine. I find that I manage to do a total of 12-15 types of workouts within 60 mins when I do my supersets.
Back at the early days when I did my "straight sets", I did notice some significant muscle gain but I hardly sweat. Not as much as when I did my supersets. I honestly feel better if I sweat more. It means I am working hard, right? *wink*
I personally think supersets work best for fat loss routines. Can't quite pinpoint why, but it just seems that way.
ReplyDeleteFor strength training, I think it's more straight sets for compound exercises. And you can do supersets for the assisting workouts.